Framework Plan Alte Schäferei, Berlin

Client: Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin
Cooperation: UmbauStadt HOFFMANN LEICHTER
Activity: Development of a framework plan
Period: 2020-2022
Dimension: 140 ha
Location: Berlin-Pankow

With the development of the “Alte Schäferei” framework plan, the heterogeneous building structures in the north of Französisch Buchholz are to be transformed into an orderly urban development. The instrument of the framework plan creates the preliminary planning work for the subsequent development plan procedure in order to secure long-term housing potential and to sound out the competing uses with the transport infrastructure and surrounding natural spaces. Two horizons of consideration were subdivided – the 140 ha framework plan area “Alte Schäferei” and the extended area of consideration. In this 550 ha area, the interrelationships of use (development of the Buchholz-Nord industrial estate and the S-Bahn depot, transport infrastructure and integration into green and open spaces) in the district of Französisch Buchholz are examined.

The area of the Alte Schäferei is shown in the Berlin Urban Development Plan (StEP) Housing 2030 as a long-term potential area for housing construction. The central challenge is to use framework planning to develop the basis for new urban building blocks in this fragmented and hitherto landscaped environment. The focus is on the following points:

Urban development
  • Urban planning integration into the context of the surrounding buildings
  • Urban design for the “Alte Schäferei” area
  • Spatial and strategic integration into the context, especially of the northern industrial estate development (Buchholz-Nord)
  • Revitalisation and upgrading of the historic town centre with attractive residential, retail and service offers
  • Development opportunities through restructuring areas and brownfield sites
Open and green spaces
  • Preservation and expansion of public open spaces in the town centre and the design of attractive meeting places
  • Providing new and old residents with green spaces and playgrounds close to their homes
  • Reduction of impacts on nature and the landscape by preserving valuable biotope structures and minimising sealing to an absolutely necessary extent
  • Compensating for impacts through the creation of new, diversely structured, near-natural green spaces, green facades and roofs, the creation of fresh and wet meadows, the planting of new woody plants and reeds
  • Creation of ditches and water bodies for rainwater retention
  • Promotion and protection of protected areas (LSG Blankenfelde, LSG Buch)
  • Renaturation of small watercourses and streams to create near-natural habitats and attractive recreational areas
  • Creation of convenient, safe and, as far as possible, direct routes for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Creation of a completely barrier-free, roadside footpath network
  • Elimination of gaps in the cycling network, creation of roadside cycling facilities in all directions
  • Connection to the future “Panke Trail” high-speed cycle path
  • Extension of the tram line to the north (Buchholz-Nord)
  • Improvement of the external public transport connection through two new S-train stations: Bucher Straße and Schönerlinder Straße
Social infrastructure
  • Strengthening and expansion of the social infrastructure (e.g. doctors, day-care centres, schools, etc.)
  • New construction of social and educational facilities
  • Creation of new playgrounds for different age groups
  • Creation of accessibility, services of general interest and seating in public spaces
Alte Schäferei