BFB panel discussion with Martin Janotta

BFB panel discussion with Martin Janotta

On 05 July 2022, the General Assembly of the Bundesverbands der Freien Berufe (BFB) met. Part of the event was a public panel discussion on the topic of “Liberal professions as the key to transformation”. The key position of the liberal professions was illustrated using the current example of wind energy, as a building block of the energy policy reorientation. In addition to numerous experts from the fields of politics, law, economics and biology, Martin Janotta, representing the Berlin-Brandenburg regional group of the Association of German Landscape Architects, also took part in the discussion. He emphasised the urgent need to expand renewable energies in a way that is compatible with nature. For him, it is clear: “The siting of wind turbines must be controlled, the landscape is the law and must be kept in mind.”

The conclusion of this BFB discussion was that the interlocking of nature and society calls for the services of the liberal professions in particular in solving ecological and economic issues. Furthermore, cooperation between the different sectors can contribute to the acceptance and implementation of the necessary measures. A great potential lies in the intensification of interprofessional cooperation between the various liberal professional experts.

Photo: BFB | Henning Schacht