Project 51 – Info markets in the Stormarn and Herzogtum Lauenburg districts

Vorhaben 51, Peter Simon im Gespräch beim 50Hertz-Infomark in Möhnsen
Vorhaben 51

FUGMANN JANOTTA PARTNER has been actively supporting its colleagues from BHF Bendfeldt Herrmann Franke Landschaftsarchitekten in Schwerin in the preparation of the federal sectoral planning documents for grid expansion project 51 of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH since the end of 2023. The aim of the federal sectoral planning is to determine the most compatible route corridor between the two grid connection points Hamburg/East and Sahms (Schleswig-Holstein, Herzogtum Lauenburg district) for the subsequent overhead line. To this end, various route corridor alternatives were evaluated and compared with each other and a route corridor proposal was identified.

In mid-November 2024, the proposed corridor was presented to all affected towns, municipalities and authorities as well as the districts of Stormarn and Herzogtum Lauenburg. The planning team consisting of the project developer, environmental and technical planners was now on site at the beginning of December to engage in dialogue with interested citizens. Peter Simon – FJP partner and head of our ‘Renewable Energies and Grid Expansion’ department – was also there. At the two information markets on 4 December 2024 in Stemwarde (Barsbüttel) and 5 December 2024 in Möhnsen, the planning team provided information on the current status of planning and answered personal questions. The focus was on the presentation of the proposed corridor and an initial presentation of possible routes for the new overhead line.

The federal sectoral planning documents with the proposed corridor will be submitted to the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur, BNetzA) as the responsible approval authority at the beginning of 2025. The BNetzA will then organise a public and authority consultation process lasting several weeks. Citizens and representatives of the authorities will then have the opportunity to view the planning documents and submit comments and objections. These are discussed in public and weighed up by the approval authority. As a result of the federal sectoral planning, the Federal Network Agency will determine the corridor for project 51, in which the actual overhead line route will then be planned.


Photos: 50Hertz | Jan Pauls Fotografie