As an agency for preparatory and binding urban land-use planning, the Urban Planning Department in Oranienburg is regularly confronted with the task of making available compensatory areas of land during construction and development projects in compliance with nature conservation intervention regulations (A+E measures). As a backer of a large proportion of the plans for urban development, the city is also obliged to take care of the implementation and long-term maintenance of A+E measures. In order to facilitate research into appropriate compensatory areas of land, as well as to enable the documentation and organisation of the implementation and maintenance of agreed measures, a digital GIS-based compensatory land registry was established. It accumulates areas of land that are suitable for A+E measures and that are, in principle, available, whilst at the same time documenting the location, type and status of the compensatory land areas developed in compliance with nature conservation measures. FUGMANN JANOTTA bdla has conducted research into suitable compensatory land areas, carried out technical examinations, refined the structure of the existing internal GIS web-application, and is currently working on the digital editing of compensatory land areas for planned nature conservation projects, with a view to integrating them into the land registry.