About 40 local residents, experts, conservationists and representatives of the city and borough administrations, as well as other interested parties, attended the second planning workshop on 6 April 2017 concerning the planned grazing of Scottish highland cattle on part of the “Hönower Weiherkette” nature reserve in the borough of Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The focus of the event …
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The first planning workshop concerning the plans for extensive grazing on parts of the “Hönower Weiherkette” nature reserve in northern Hellersdorf was held on 24 January 2017 in the “Haus am Beerenpfuhl” senior center in the Hellersdorf section of Berlin. After a brief and concise presentation from our firm, interested residents were given the opportunity …
Continue reading...Grazing the Hönower Weiherkette
An informative event about the proposed programme of extensive grazing took place at the Bücherwurmschule after-school care centre in the Berlin district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf on 13 October 2015. Conceptually integrated within the overall management and development plans for the landscape conservation area, it aimed to involve the residents and users of the area in the …
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