Area pool for the land use plan, Nauen

Client: Stadt Nauen
Activity: Biotope network concept | Selection, analysis and prioritisation of potential compensation areas | Profiles
Period: 2022-2024
Dimension: 266 km²
Location: Nauen

The update of the land use plan (Flächennutzungsplan, FNP) for the city of Nauen shows the need to identify areas for compensation and replacement measures to comply with nature conservation laws. Therefore, the city commissioned FUGMANN JANOTTA PARTNER to develop a pool of areas. Area pool models are modern concepts of nature conservation. They enable a more flexible approach to dealing with the consequences of interventions. An area pool outlines suitable locations for future compensation and replacement measures related to the FNP interventions. It includes the conceptual approach, an overview map, and details of the measures to be implemented, including compensation potential. The proposed areas should be part of a biotope network, also to be developed for the city of Nauen, with the goal of promoting biodiversity.

First, a biotope network concept for the entire municipality was created. The core, connection, and development areas aim to preserve, protect, and further develop ecologically valuable biotopes and habitats for protected species, along with essential connection structures. Next, development areas supporting the biotope network were identified as potential measure areas, and ownership details were recorded. Based on the owner analysis, two priority areas and several interconnected areas with low spatial resistance were selected. Finally, FUGMANN JANOTTA PARTNER created action plans and fact sheets for the selected areas.

Nauen, Biotopverbund