Wuhletal biotope network, Berlin

Client: Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz Berlin
Cooperation: Dr. Hanna Köstler (Biotopkartierung)
Activity: Entwicklungs- und Maßnahmenkonzept
Period: 2020-2023
Dimension: 391 ha
Location: Berlin

The Wuhletal with the directly adjacent Falkenberger Krugwiesen and Seelgraben Park is one of the largest inner-city green spaces in Berlin. The open space network is characterised by a diverse mosaic of habitats, a high recreational quality of stay and the important open space connection functions. For example, the 16 km long Wuhletalweg – one of Berlin’s “Main Greenways” – runs through the project area.

The aim was to develop a realisable concept of measures to increase the ecological value of the area, taking into account the various interests of the users. The aim was to combine the requirements of a modern multifunctional green space with the requirements of a biotope network structure in the terrestrial area and in a continuous network of watercourses that is important for nature conservation. In the elongated green space, it was also necessary to preserve the characteristically different landscapes in the sequence of parks. The Wuhletal was to be brought together with connecting elements and differentiated to strengthen its design. As a result of the project, eco-accountable measures were developed with which practical compensation for interventions in the course of major housing construction measures in Berlin can be achieved. Measures were compiled to deal with the impact regulation as well as to comply with the regulations on special species protection.