The project “Das dritte Land” (The 3rd Country) by the South Korean artists Han Seok Hyun, Kim Seung Hwoe was awarded with the Deutscher Einheitspreis in silver in the field of culture. The Einheitspreis, awarded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education, honours people and initiatives who have lived and supported historical reunification and political unity over the past 30 years.
“Das dritte Land” located at the Berlin Cultural Forum – not far from the former wall – is a refection on the more than 70 years of Korean division. Under the slogan “Growing Dreams. Blooming Utopias”, a surreal dream landscape was created in 2019 with mountains formed from basalt and plants native to Korea.
FJP accompanied the realisation of the design in an advisory capacity and is very happy about the award.
You still have the opportunity to view the awarded project at the Matthäikirchplatz (Kulturforum) until 30 May 2021.
Photo: Christian Frey