The city of Lübben in the Spreewald is currently carrying out the procedure for drawing up the “Wind energy” sectoral land use plan for the city of Lübben. The spatial scope of the functional partial land use plan “Wind Energy” covers the entire urban area of the town of Lübben and covers an area of …
Continue reading...Fact sheets of compensatory measures, Fürstenwalde | Spree
The City of Fürstenwalde has initiated an area pool for nature conservation compensation and replacement measures. The areas were selected on the basis of areas designated for protection, maintenance and development measures in the landscape plan. As they are owned by the town of Fürstenwalde, they are readily available and generally suitable as compensation areas. …
Continue reading...Municipal Landscape Plan Lübben
The district town of Lübben is located around 70 kilometres south-east of Berlin, in the middle of the Spreewald biosphere reserve. The favourable connection to Berlin and the idyllic location of the town of just under 14,000 inhabitants make Lübben an attractive place to live in Brandenburg. In the currently updated Integrated Urban Development Concept, …
Continue reading...Municipal Landscape Plan of the City of Fürstenwalde/Spree
The municipal area of Fürstenwalde/Spree has a municipal landscape plan from 1996, amended in 1997, that is used as the basis for the current version of the municipal landscape plan. Some elements of the area usage plan (as of 2014) were also incorporated. FUGMANN JANOTTA PARTNER is creating the new plan in two phases. The …
Continue reading...Landscape Plan for Hohen Neuendorf
The main objective of a landscape plan is to analyze, evaluate and present a municipality’s natural environment features and potentials, such as the beneficial use of natural resources, the characteristics of a natural environment and the recreational value of the landscape. The landscape plan covers all four city districts of Hohen Neuendorf. The city is …
Continue reading...Agricultural Development Plan Annafließ
The agricultural development plan aims at improving the hydrological balance within the drainage basin of the river Annafließ near Strausberg. The plan focuses on stabilizing and enhancing the hydrological network, developing Annafließ into a near-natural river landscape as well as rehabilitating its ecological function within the entire drainage basin. For this purpose the hydrological structures …
Continue reading...LRP Salzwedel
The landscape structure plan (LSP) represents the goals and strategies of nature conservation and landscape management for the ‘Altmarkkreis Salzwedel’ administrative district in northern Saxony-Anhalt. On the basis of both digital geo-data and on-site inspection, analysis is carried out of the current condition of protected soil, water, climate/air, species and biotopes, as well as of …
Continue reading...XPlan land-use plan in Prenzlau
The goal of the ‘XPlanung’ project is to create both a standardised data format for the exchange of urban land-use plans, and a standard for the visualisation of plans – the intention being to enable a lossless exchange of data, computer-aided evaluation, as well as the provision of urban land-use plans through web-based tools. Based …
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