Gustav-Hertz-Platz, Berlin

Berlin-Adlershof is continuously developing into one of the largest and most important science and technology locations in Germany. To the north-east, along the railway and S-Bahn line, lies another 40-hectare development area, the so-called “Gleislinse”. A service and commercial quarter is currently being built on the elongated, lenticular site of the former Schöneweide depot. Part of …

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Church Square, Erkner

–The redesigned church square is the landmark centrepiece of the city of Erkner. Clear-cut boundaries make the place feel even more coherent and therefore establish identity. Framed by two old rows of trees in the north and south and by the succinct church facade in the west, the place attracts both the youth and elderly. …

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Strasse des Friedens, Gransee

The housing area of Strasse des Friedens – Koliner Straße – Berliner Straße is characterized by superior schools and kindergartens as well as playgrounds for children of all ages. The school area has a campus-like character. Therefore, a school boardwalk was suggested in the plan. The pavement consists of concrete stripes in various shades of …

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Multigenerational Playground, Berlin

Originally built in the 1970s, Spektepark is a space for social encounter, for breaking down social and cultural barriers, and for neighbourly communication – as well as being a park for the 21st century. In light of changing patterns of leisure behaviour and greater demands for usage, Spektepark has been revitalised as a park of …

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Helsingforser Platz, Berlin

The starting point for the redesign of Helsingforser Platz is the southern Finnish landscape around Helsinki. The characteristic islands surrounding the city are made up of weathered stone and a sparse covering of trees. At the centre of the spatial mise-en-scène are modelled islands (of vegetation) created out of coarse greywacke gravel and single boulders. …

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Platz der Befreiung, Berlin

The Platz der Befreiung is located directly across from the Adlershof S-Bahn station. As part of the redesign, the square’s area will be covered with 1,500 m² of striped natural stone slabs. There are two memorials of city-wide significance on the square. One is the ‘Memorial to the Victims of Fascism’ (Fritz Kühn, 1945) and …

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Alter Markt, Berlin

“Der alte Markt” – the old market – is located in the historical center of Köpenick which is listed for preservation; it covers the area between the central library and the local museum. The pavement of the square consists of granite and basalt stripes, transforming the historical paving materials into a modern image. New gleditsias …

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Elisabeth-Schwarzhaupt-Platz, Berlin

Elisabeth-Schwarzhaupt-Platz is a contemporary, urban square that also pays tribute to the former Stettiner Bahnhof railway station. Opened in 1842, the terminus station was the starting point of the Stettiner Bahn and Berlin’s third railway station. Its numerous connections to the Baltic seaside towns of Mecklenburg and Pomerania promoted the reputation of the Stettin railway …

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