The former railway yard Duisburg-Wedau, a site of 90 hectares, will be developed into a new attractive housing and business area. In the end of June 2015 the city of Duisburg, DB Immobilien Region West and BEG NRW organized a two-day planning workshop with six offices/teams to sketch out ideas for the urban development of the site. Basing on the workshop outcome and the design of Christoph Kohl Architekten / Fugmann Janotta und Partner a framework plan was prepared by PlanLokal (northern part) und Pesch+Partner (southern part).
For further information (in German):
WAZ Duisburg-Wedau: Neue Gartenstadt mit Seeblick
Stadt Duisburg: Vorstellung des Rahmenplans Duisburg-Wedau
BEG-NRW aktuell: Rahmenplan für Duisburgs größtes städtebauliches Projekt wird der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt
Ratsinformationssystem Duisburg: Städtebauliche Rahmenplanung