BUND – Cornerstone ceremony

On 12 July 2024, the cornerstone was ceremoniously laid for the new national headquarters of BUND (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland) in Berlin-Neukölln. The ecological and sustainable five-storey timber hybrid building will be finished by mid-2026. Once completed, the building designed by SMAQ will offer space for up to 180 workstations, several seminar and …

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Forum Gesseler Goldhort opens

The Forum Gesseler Goldhort opens at the beginning of October in the Syke District Museum. The striking new building designed by Freitag Hartmann Architekten (Berlin) houses the 2011 gold find recovered during pipeline construction work. Among archaeologists, the 3,300-year-old, literal treasure with its 117 gold objects is considered one of the most important finds of …

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Chemical Invention Factory

Together with SEHW Architektur, FUGMANN JANOTTA PARTNER wins one of the two 1st prizes in the restricted competition of the new Chemical Invention Factory. In the forthcoming negotiated procedure it will be decided by the end of October 2020 which winner will be awarded the final contract for the realisation of the project.

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Cornerstone Ceremony Schönhauser Allee 9

On 24.09.2020, the corner stone for the office and commercial building Schönhauser Allee 9 in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg was laid in perfect weather. In compliance with the current pandemic hygiene regulations, the time capsule was placed via drone at its destination and sealed afterward. A new “Campus of Contrasts” will be completed on the 120 m …

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