On 20 December 2019, the official power line corridor designation procedure for the 380-kV-overhead power line Pulgar-Vieselbach was completed as the Federal Grid Agency took its decision regarding the western segment pursuant to §12 of the German Power Grid Expansion Acceleration Act. The completion of this designation procedure is the first substantial procedural step in the approval process of a cross-border extra-high-voltage power line. The designation procedure defined a one-thousand-meter-wide corridor through which the power line will run.
After successful completion of the power line’s corridor designation procedure, FUGMANN JANOTTA & Partner were commissioned by 50Hertz to carry through the subsequent official spatial plan approval procedure in cooperation with TGP-Landschaftsarchitekten, Ökoplan-Institut für ökologische Planungshilfe and the Planungsbüro Förster. The spatial plan approval procedure will be the next and final step for the approval of the power line.
You will find more information about the project on the web pages of our client 50Hertz.