Project 51 – Info markets in the Stormarn and Herzogtum Lauenburg districts

FUGMANN JANOTTA PARTNER has been actively supporting its colleagues from BHF Bendfeldt Herrmann Franke Landschaftsarchitekten in Schwerin in the preparation of the federal sectoral planning documents for grid expansion project 51 of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH since the end of 2023. The aim of the federal sectoral planning is to determine the most compatible route corridor …

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Power grid expansion is progressing – Planning approval procedure opened for the first section of Project 52 of the Federal Requirements Plan Act

50Hertz Transmission GmbH is currently planning to convert the 220 kV overhead line between Bentwisch and Gnewitz (Mecklenburg) into a more powerful 380 kV overhead line. The measure is part of project 52 “Grid reinforcement in the Rostock region”. In addition to the Bentwisch-Gnewitz section, this also includes the replacement of the Güstrow-Bentwisch overhead line …

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Best practice for the approval of power lines at the BNetzA

In the course of the energy transition, the expansion and upgrading of the electricity transmission grid in the north and east of Germany plays a central role. With the publication of the planning approval decisions for the two sections of the Röhrsdorf-Weida-Remptendorf project (No. 14 of the Federal Requirements Plan Act), the approval procedure has …

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Röhrsdorf-Weida-Remptendorf Scoping Conference

Expansions to 380 kV high-voltage overhead lines between Federal States require approval as part of a federal planning procedure in accordance with the Grid Expansion Act [Netzausbaugesetz]. Typically the first stage at which public interest groups and the general public become involved is the scoping conference, at which the approval authority, the Federal Grid Agency …

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