On 27 November 2023, the Fürstenwalde municipal council passed a resolution to draw up a development plan. The so-called “Fürstenwalder Gartenfeld Lange Straße” is a 7-hectare site in the south of Fürstenwalde. It is being developed by Driven Investment GmbH. The plan is to construct a new residential neighbourhood on the agricultural land south of …
Continue reading...Workshop Technology Quarter Wedau-Nord in Duisburg
On the occasion of the revision of the urban and open space planning design for the “Wedau-Nord Technology Quarter” as a basis for the subsequent development plan procedure, a workshop organized by Christoph Kohl Stadtplaner Architekten took place at the end of October with GEBAG and representatives of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE).
Continue reading...Apporaching Ziekowkiez
The Ziekowkiez is a typical 1950s housing estate in Berlin-Reinickendorf. The housing company Vonovia is currently developing it into a forward-looking neighbourhood (German: “Kiez”). In addition to the construction of 500 to 600 new flats, the infrastructure and open spaces are also to be upgraded.
Continue reading...Berlin Gropiusstadt Integrated Green and Open Spaces Concept
In 2017, the federal government and the states of Germany launched a new joint program called “Zukunft Stadtgrün” (City Green Future). During the seventies, a green and open spaces system was developed. Using the existing support program, we now have the possibility to implement this system as new demographic trends have emerged, climate adaption and …
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