Fürstenwalder Gartenfeld – Decision for the development planning process

On 27 November 2023, the Fürstenwalde municipal council passed a resolution to draw up a development plan. The so-called “Fürstenwalder Gartenfeld Lange Straße” is a 7-hectare site in the south of Fürstenwalde. It is being developed by Driven Investment GmbH. The plan is to construct a new residential neighbourhood on the agricultural land south of …

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Workshop Technology Quarter Wedau-Nord in Duisburg

On the occasion of the revision of the urban and open space planning design for the “Wedau-Nord Technology Quarter” as a basis for the subsequent development plan procedure, a workshop organized by Christoph Kohl Stadtplaner Architekten took place at the end of October with GEBAG and representatives of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE).

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Berlin Gropiusstadt Integrated Green and Open Spaces Concept

In 2017, the federal government and the states of Germany launched a new joint program called “Zukunft Stadtgrün” (City Green Future). During the seventies, a green and open spaces system was developed. Using the existing support program, we now have the possibility to implement this system as new demographic trends have emerged, climate adaption and …

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